Um chapéu para cada cabeça. Adoro chapéus e de facto, ao longo das últimas semanas de moda, estão em todo o lado, em todos os feitios, modelos e cores. Fazem uma finalização impecável, se olharmos para alguns deste conjuntinhos, é fácil constantar que ficam bem mais completos com os chapéus. Aqui vão alguns looks. Imagino que na semana de moda de Paris, que agora começa, muitos mais chapéus farão um figurão :)
A hat for each head. I love hats, and they sure are featuring in every single FW. They come in all sizes, shapes, colors and materials. It is easy to see that the hat-factor adds a sharpness to every single outfit. Here are some looks from FW AW 2013. I can imagine that during Paris Fashion Week, that starts today, many more hats will do a street-style show :)
Sources: stockholmstreetstyle,, buro247
A hat for each head. I love hats, and they sure are featuring in every single FW. They come in all sizes, shapes, colors and materials. It is easy to see that the hat-factor adds a sharpness to every single outfit. Here are some looks from FW AW 2013. I can imagine that during Paris Fashion Week, that starts today, many more hats will do a street-style show :)
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