Quando vi o anúncio dos saldos de meia estação da Whistles no meu mail, lá fui eu toda contente ver se um vestido nude de renda e seda que andava debaixo de olho estava na lista. Sim, está (é o primeiro que se vê nas fotos). E sim, esgotado o meu tamanho. Aqui estão algumas boas opções, mas já com pouquinhos tamanhos disponíveis. Não me parece nada bem. Snif, Snif.
When I saw the email announcing "Whistles's mid season sale", I immediately click the link to check if a nude lace and silk dress (the first on the photos) that I had my mind one was there. Yes it was. Sold out on my size, ohhh. Here are some other great options, with few sizes left.
By whistles.
When I saw the email announcing "Whistles's mid season sale", I immediately click the link to check if a nude lace and silk dress (the first on the photos) that I had my mind one was there. Yes it was. Sold out on my size, ohhh. Here are some other great options, with few sizes left.
By whistles.
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