
Dear marketing

  My Adidas and his Nikes. A date in white. 

Ser vítima de marketing é um acto involuntário, diário. Assim sendo, tudo bem, estamos todos felizes. Quando nos apercebemos que afinal existe toda uma estratégia, que nos agarra bem ali no meio, bem no ponto onde queriam que nos encontrássemos, bem.. é um pouco irritante.

Passo a explicar. Há umas semanas atrás partilhei convosco a minha frustração à procura das Adidas Stan Smith originais. Muito bem. Aparentemente, estão "bloqueadas" pela Adidas até o fim de 2013, altura em que será feito o relançamento potencialmente viral das ditas. Informação partilhada por um funcionário da Adidas, de Stan Smith nos pés. E eu a pensar: caí que nem um ratinho. Desejei, procurei, não encontrei e ainda desejei mais.

Decidi quebrar a obsessão. Como? Escolhi um par diferente (ver foto). Se vou ceder às Stan Smith quando forem relançadas? Não prometo. Adidas ganhou a dobrar. Espertos.


Being a marketing victim is somewhat involuntary. So far, so good. When you realize that you are tangled in the strategy .. well, it is kind of annoying.

I'll explain. Few weeks ago I share with you my frustration on my search for Adidas Stan Smith (originals). It seems that this model was blocked by Adidas until the end of 2013, when it is expected a viral release of these sneakers. This was the guy working at Adidas and wearing a pair of Stan Smiths told me. I thought "well, look at me, sitting at the target". I wished, I looked, I didn't find and.. I wante then even more. 

So I decided to break the obsession. How? I chose a different pair (see photo). If I'm going to break as soon as the Stan Smith are realeased? Almost positive. Doble win for Adidas. Smart.

1 comentário:

  1. Don't worry sweety, I always fall for this stuff too! Half a year ago I was at a YSL store, eyeing a black patent clutch (you know the typical one with the (old) YSL logo on the front). Anyway, while I was looking at that clutch, the sales guy whispered to me that there will be a price raise tomorrow (!!), BUT, because he likes me, blablblaa, I would still get it for the old price (around 600 €).... Boom, he had to say no more, he had won my heart. Luckily I had to meet a friends, so I didn't have the time to buy it straight away. After my girls lunch I saw clearly again and I didn't get the clutch after all... phew! But generally I always fall for that stuff ;-)
